Ambed v1.1 - Wallpapers & Painting Services WordPress Theme

Ambed is a very modern and multipurpose Wallpaper & Painting Services WordPress Theme. We specially designed this awesome Theme for wallpapering, painting, house painting, interior design, coloring, painting exhibitions, wall design, and all other wallpaper & paint services and business websites.
- Includes 3 Home versions
- Includes 3 One Page versions
- Includes 30+ Inner pages
- Includes Dark versions
- Easy Installation and Setup with Demo Content Import
- Live Customizer Options
- WooCommerce Compatibility
- RTL Compatibility
- Child Theme Added
- SVG Icon Supported
- Mailchimp Integrated
- Includes Megamenu styles
- Header/Footer Builder with Elementor
- Includes Swiper, OwlCarousel Slider
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- CSS3 Animations
- Advance Bootstrap 5.x Framework
- Truly SEO Optimized Code
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- W3C Validate Code
- Fully Responsive
- Extensive Documentation
- Fully customisable & Easy to modify
- All files are well commented
(4.9 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 10 characters.

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