Flutter Offline eBook App v2.0.2

Offline reading, search function, auto scroll, text size, text color, rtl support, dark light color, bookmarks.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Flutter EBook App (Online eBook Reading, Download eBooks,Books App) v2.0
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Bookkart v28.0 - Flutter Ebook Reader App for Wordpress with WooCommerce
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MultiVendor Ebook Android App v2.2
EBook is an Android application to read books on the Internet. User can sign up, login, read e-book, buy paid e-book, download e-books for offline reading, rate e-books, comment on e-books, search

Educational App (Theory & Quizzes) + Admin Panel v1.2.0
Universal educational App provides you with all the tools you need to easily create any theory (ebook) and quiz based application.