Rewardy - Status App with Reward Points + PWA + Backend v1.2

Rewardy is a social media app where users can share their status. Users will get points for using the app like by uploading a status, viewing others status, liking a status, commenting on status etc. Status creator will also get points when other users like/comment/view their status. They can exchange their earned points with amazing gifts.
Rewardy is mobile-first web app. It has amazing UI and PWA feature on both frontend and admin panel.
(25.3 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Android Status App with Reward Point (Lucky Wheel, Video, GIF, Quotes & Image) v14.0
Android Status App furnish with plentiful Quotes, GIFs, images and videos.

My Video Status v1.1.0
My Video Status App provides a variety of short videos, video song status help to direct put video status on social media.

Video/Image/Gif/Quote App With Earning System (Reward Points) v5.0
This application created by Android studio for client side and then PHP/MySQL for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world.

Status Saver for WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business v04.08.21
Status Saver App is really easy to download any Whatsapps & WA Business image and video status with original resolution.

All in One Status Saver v19.0 - FB, Insta, WA Story Saver & MxTakaTak, Moj, Josh and more Video Saver
All in One Status Saver is a social media video and image download application for Android.

Android Whats Web v2.0 - Whatsapp All Tools App
Whatsweb App is the best Whatstools App which contains various tools like Whats Web, Status Story Saver, Direct Chat, Whats Sticker, QR Code Generator And Scanner etc.