Web to App - Convert Website to Flutter App | Web View App | Web to App Convertor (Android, iOS)

InfyWeb App converts your web into Android and iOS apps, which allows developers to integrate functionality directly. This Web app can be helpful for any type of Website URL to convert the Flutter app.
- Developer in Flutter(3.0.5) + GetX + Route Management
- Supported Device: Android and iOS
- Code Structured: Folder Structured
- Assign App logo
- Upload and Download the file
- Some assets are included
- Push notification include(OneSignal)
- Firebase Database support
- Pull to refresh functionality implement
- Easy to customize
- Geolocation included
- Easy to convert your website into apps
- More themes included
- Documentation included
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Hospital Management Mobile Application for Doctors & Patients - For HMS Single v06.05.24
The infyHMS app is a patient and doctor side app for both Android and iOS platforms, giving developers direct integration functionality.

Prime Web - Convert Website to a Flutter App v2.0.1
Converting a website to a Flutter App. You can convert your website into an Android and iOS app by simply replacing the URL. Support for any type of media content.

GoApp for Web to App Convertor Flutter + Admin Panel
With the help of GoApp, developers may seamlessly integrate functionality by converting your website into Android and iOS apps.

MightyWeb Webview - Web to App Convertor (Flutter + Admin Panel) v24.0
The MightyWeb app is used to transform your website into a mobile app. With the admin backend, you can customize your app configuration without having to update your app.

Shopforge - WooCommerce Mobile Apps (Android and iOS)
Shopforge is a Mobile App built with Flutter, which can help you convert your WooCommerce Shop to Mobile Apps (Android and iOS).

Woogoods WooCommerce - Flutter E-commerce Full App v08.09.22
Woogoods is a complete mobile app for both Android & iOS based on Woo-commerce buy and sell using Flutter Framework.