DigitalHR - Face Recognition Attendance System

Digital HR (Online) is a complete solution for all your attedance management and is written in Flutter language. This applicaiton is rich in feature and especially used face detection for attendace. This applicaiton uses google ML Kit in order to learn the faces of employees. You just need one device for this applicaton. One device can be placed in an office and all the employees must be registered in the application, Once registered users can then perform their check in check out as well as lunch in and lunch out. This is an online version of our offline version application.
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DigitalHR - Branch Based Multi Tenant HR, HRM and HRMS Application v27.02.25
Digital HR (Flutter) is a comprehensive HR Management System designed to meet all your human resources needs, leveraging the robust Flutter programming language.

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EMS - Employee Attendance Tracker v2.0
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