Dlear - Education, University & School WordPress Theme v1.0.8

Dlear is modern and unique Education, University & School WordPress Theme. It’s perfect for any University, College, School, Kids, Training Center, Educational Institutions, E-Learning, Workshop, Courses Tutorials, Education Center sites etc. It’s includes everything as you needed for a education. We believe that this theme will appreciate and become very functional education site.
By using this theme anyone can build his own website "No coding skill required". Anyone can change site colors / other settings from theme settings. Only single click - demo data will be installed. If any issue arise during installation - our reliable support team always ready to give support.
We also used The World’s #1 Leading WordPress Page Builder - Elementor Page Builder. It’s about time for a live page builder, with no limits of design. A page builder that delivers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen on WordPress.