FaLang Pro v5.8

Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. The Falang Pro component allows you to manage all your content translations, even the content of all your components/modules, on your web site.
The component is so flexible that you can easily add new components at a later date and then translate the new content.
With extensions you can translate k2, aiContactSafe, hikashop, Redshop, jDownload, phocaDownload...
(366 Kb)
The minimum length of a comment is 10 characters.

OrdaSoft Joomla Translate v6.1.1
OrdaSoft Joomla Translate is Search Engine Friendly Joomla Translate (SEF Translate) component and module for automatic translation of joomla websites with the help of Google translate, Bing

Route 66 Pro v1.9.10
Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla!

Content Templater Pro v10.0.7
Content Templater PRO is a component for redefining the content template and articles of your site.

Social Backlinks - Automatic Social Posting v2.2.31
Post automatically your Joomla content on social networks. With Social Backlinks extension you get an automatic synchronization feature that detects new or updated Joomla content.

HikaShop Business - Component of an Online Store for Joomla v5.1.0
HikaShop is a native E-Commerce extension for all versions of Joomla. It is built for simplicity and flexibility.

Komento Pro 4.0.3 - Component of the Comments System for Joomla
The progressive component Komento Pro will allow your site visitors to leave comments on the articles, blogs or products that they like on the pages of the Internet resource.