Food Recipes Flutter App (Android & iOS) v1.7

The Food Recipes app is a ready to deploy app that comes with a Laravel PHP admin panel to manage categories, recipes, cuisine and notifications. The Food Recipes app has a beautiful and simple interface and is well documented.
The Food Recipes app is a cross-platform app built using the Flutter Framework, an open source mobile app development framework created by Google. Now Flutter is used to create high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android.
(49.3 Mb)
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Ultimate Food Recipes App with Admin Panel v2.0
Ultimate Food Recipes App with Admin Panel is an android Application made with Android Studio!

Android Recipe Book App v2.4 (Cooking, Chef, Healthy Food, Admob with GDPR)
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Flutter Recipe Pro v2.0 - Recipes Mobile App Cookbook with Admin Panel Flutter Recipe Mobile App
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Food Delivery Flutter + PHP Laravel Admin Panel v2.7.0
A complete solution using the Flutter framework created by Google is an open source mobile app development for building a restaurant app. It is used to develop Android and iOS apps and is also the

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Your Recipes App v4.0.1
Your Recipes App is a mobile recipe system which run under Android platform that used for your own recipe application.