Gravity Perks v2.3.15

Gravity Perks is a WordPress plugin by Gravity Wiz that allows you to effortlessly install and manage easy-to-use Gravity Forms addons (Perks).
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WPSyncSheets Gravity Forms Google Spreadsheet Addon v5.0
WPSyncSheets for Gravity Forms (formally GravitySheets) plugin sync with your website’s Gravity Forms entries to Google Spreadsheet and manage your entries easily into single Google Spreadsheet.

Gravity Forms - Creating Forms on a WordPress Site v2.9.5
Gravity Forms is a product from Rocket Genius that is a very handy solution for creating forms on your WordPress site.

Gravity Flow v2.9.6 - Business Process Automation with WordPress & Gravity Forms
A WordPress workflow solution for form-based processes. Automatically route any form submissions, automate the process from start to finish.

Gravitizer v1.0.8 - Gravity Forms Material UI Styler
Gravitizer allows you to transform your traditional Gravity Forms into Material UI designs with one click.

Gravity Forms Email Verification v1.6 - OTP Verification
Gravity Forms Email Verification is a great way to verify or authenticate your users when they submit a form.

gAppointments v1.14.1 - Appointment Booking Addon for Gravity Forms
Schedule appointments within Gravity Forms. gAppointments is great for any business that depends on an appointment calendar.