Simplest - Online Community HTML Template

Social media template networks. Simplest is a template for developers looking to launch the UI of their next social web app. Based on the Uikit platform, this template works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets and phones. Sentiments of well-thought-out layouts, components, elements, widgets and app pages enable you to create better social media.
(3.3 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Socialite v3.0 - Online Community HTML Template
Socialite is a template for developers who want to kickstart their next social web application UI.

Hyper v5.1 - Admin & Dashboard Template (Dark / Light)
Hyper is a full featured admin dashboard and template that contains many well thought out UI elements, components, widgets and pages.

Design Lab - Freelancers Community HTML Template
Design Lab is Social Network & Community HTML template for UX/UI Designers, Illustrators, Graphic Designers, 3D Artists and other creators, and freelancers.

Zinka v1.3 - IT Agency & SEO Business HTML Template
Zinka is a Clean and Modern HTML template for IT, SEO, Marketing, SaaS, Business & Social Media Marketing agency website.

Materialize - React - Next.js, Vuejs, HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Material Design Admin Template v13.3.3
Materialize is the #1 selling material design admin template.

Pify - Social Questions & Answers Bootstrap 5 Template v1.3
Pify is a clean modern HTML template for Social Questions & Answers Discussion Forum website. It is created with Bootstrap 5 and CSS.