Market v9.4.4 - Premium and Optimized Magento Theme (30+ Indexes)

This is Magento 2 & 1.9 Responsive Premium Theme, fully customizable and suitable for online stores, especially for multi-stores with multiple branches and products, such as online store, supermarket, digital goods store, high-tech store, watch store, fashion store, clothing store, furniture store, bookstore, cosmetics store, luxury jewelry and accessories store or megastores.
Integration with many premium Magento extensions: vertical mega menu with multiple columns and static blocks with a beautiful image, SM tab list displays products of each category in each tab with a slider. SM Categories will help you show many categories with image display. Static blocks with beautiful images and texts bring useful information about your store. Ajax multi-level navigation, ajax cart pro extension help customers to purchase multi-language, multi-currency, product hover effects and so on faster.
Fully compatible with Magento2 Marketplace extension from VNecoms
Compatible with Smart Onestep Checkout, auto related products, bonus points modules from Aheadworks.
Compatible with CM Multivendor extension.
Compatible with Webkul Marketplace extension.
Compatible with Zeon_Manufacturer extension