InfyChat v7.1.0 - Laravel Chat App (Private + Group Chat) - Real time Chat
InfyChat is a web-based chat system implemented using the Laravel framework. It’s built on Bookstrap4 with CoreUI Theme with JQuery and MYSQL database.
It has many rich features like:
- Super Admin panel to manage members
- Real-time messaging
- 1-1 Chat
- Group Chat
- Private vs Public Groups
- Open vs Closed Groups
- Manage Group Members (Make Admin, Add Member, Remove Member)
- Send Chat Request before Chat
- Conversations list with unread messages count
- Header Notifications
- Reply to message
- Media Uploads including Images, Documents, Audio, and Videos
- Youtube video link integration
- Copy/Paste Direct Images in Message
- Read receipt
- Emoji Support Added
- Typing Status
- Custom Chat Status
- User Privacy Settings
- Online Offline Status
- Last seen status of a user
- Web Push Notifications with OneSignal
- Social Authentication
- Abuse Word Filtering
- Block and Unblock User
- Report User
- Delete Conversations and Delete Message
- Compatible with Laravel Echo or Pusher
- User Profile View and Edit + Change Password + User Initials
- Link Preview Support added
- Archive/UnArchive Conversation(Group/User) support added
- Responsive Interface and many more.
InfyChat can be used for various kinds of applications for various purposes like,
- Social Network
- Social Community
- In Internal Chatting app
It’s a self-hosted app, so you have complete control of your data and privacy.
| 35.8 Mb
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