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Membership Pro v3.6.1 - Joomla Subscription Management

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Membership Pro v3.6.1 - Joomla Subscription Management

Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla! membership/subscription extension. It has everything you need to create and sell subscription plans, manage subscriptions and give subscribers access to restricted resources (paid content) on your website.

Sell Subscription Plans

Create and sell any type of subscription plan to meet your business requirement.

  • Support both free and paid subscription plan.
  • Subscription Expiration: After a specified period of time (Days/Weeks/Months/Year) or on a fixed date (example 31-12-2019) - not depends on the sign up date.
  • One time subscription (manual renewal) or recurring subscription (automatic renewal). For recurring subscription plan, you can also set up trial price and trial duration.
  • Trial unique memberships: Once a subscriber used up the trial he can't renew it or subscribe again to the plan.
  • Renew Options to allow subscribers to renew their subscriptions.
  • Upgrade Options to allow subscribers to upgrade/downgrade his subscription to a higher/lower level subscription plan (for example, from Basic to Pro membership)..

Resources Access Restriction

Monetize your content by giving access to restricted resources(menus, modules, articles, K2 items, urls, documents...) to paid subscribes only.

  • Restrict access to anything on your site using Joomla core ACL method.
  • Restrict access to individual Joomla! article or all articles from certain categories.
  • Restrict access to individual K2 item or all items from certain K2 categories.
  • Restrict access to individual page or all pages from certain categories created by SP Page Builder extension.
  • Restrict access to any pages on your site using Membership Pro URLs Restriction plugin.
  • Use Downloads Manager plugin to give your subscribers download files/documents added for each subscription plan.

Powerful Custom Fields

Create custom fields to collect any information you want from your subscribers.

  • Support 17 field types: Text, Url, Email, Number, Tel, Range, Textarea, List (Select), Checkboxes, Radio, Date, Heading, Message, File, Countries, State, SQL.
  • Each custom field can be assigned to all, one or several selected subscription plans.
  • Conditional Fields: Show/hide a field base on selected option on a another field.
  • Custom Fee Fields: The price which subscribers have to pay for the subscription can be calculated based on what they choose on registration form.
  • Joomla! user groups integration: Assign subscriber to certain Joomla! user group(s) depend on the option(s) he chooses on a custom field.

Well Organized, Logical User Profile

Subscribers can access to user profile page to:

  • View and update profile data.
  • See list of subscription plans he subscribed to, when it's started, and when it will be expired.
  • See subscriptions history, download invoices for his payments.
  • Choose from one of renew options(if available) and process renewal.
  • Choose from one of upgrade options (if available) and process upgrade/downgrade membership.
  • Cancel recurring subscription.
  • Update credit card data for recurring subscriptions.
  • See restricted resources which are available for his subscriptions and access to the item they want. (articles, documents, k2 items, pages....).

Easy Subscriptions Management

Manage subscriptions from both frontend and backend of your site.

  • List, Filter, Search for subscriptions.
  • Add, Modify, Delete, View subscription.
  • Approve/Publish offline payment subscriptions.
  • Renew, refund a subscription.
  • Cancel a recurring subscription.
  • Export/Import subscriptions into/from CSV/Excel file.
  • Mass Mail selected subscriptions.
  • Resend confirmation email to selected subscription.
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