JA Festival - Amazing Joomla Template for Events and Festival v1.1.0

JA Festival is an amazing Joomla template for previewing and promoting events, including festivals, music concerts, conferences, and exhibitions. The festival template includes a unique style for highlighting your event's program, guests, schedule pages, and many more. The template is packed with many beautiful page designs: event detail, event programs, and event tickets.
JA Festival supports Shopping feature powered by Virtuemart 4.
The Joomla theme is built with the new T4 Framework, fully compatible with Joomla 4 & Joomla 3 with quickstart packages included for each Joomla version. The template supports RTL language layout at core.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

JA Events II - Best Responsive Joomla Events Template for Organizers v2.0.2
JA Events II is the responsive Joomla event template dedicated for event organizers.

JA Event Camp - Ultimate Solution for Joomla Event and Conference Booking v2.0.3
JA Event Camp is a professional and advanced Joomla template for any conference, events booking website and events agency.

JA Fit - Creative Joomla template for Gym and Fitness v2.0.1
JA Fit Joomla template is designed for gym, fitness, and yoga websites with creative, modern design, 5 theme colors support, beautiful pages: classes.

JA Conference - Creative and Modern Joomla template for Event and Conference v2.0.0
The Joomla template comes with 6 thematic colors, includes all the necessary pages for the conference and events website: event list page, event details page, event booking built using the Events

Musika - Music Festival & Band Joomla 4 Template v2.0.0
Musika is a clean, modern but user friendly Joomla template which is typically created for music bands and music sites with elegant and functional home versions, 2 blog styles, various pages such as

JA Sport - Professional Joomla Sport & Football Club Template v1.1.0
JA Sport is a dedicated Joomla template for Sports teams, Soccer & Football clubs, and sports organizations.