JA Restaurant - Responsive Restaurant Joomla Template v2.0.1

JA Restaurant is a powerful Restaurant Cafe Bar Joomla template with dedicated design, pages and features. It has 4 Menu types: Simple Menu, 2 Column Menu, Menu with image and Vik Restaurants Menu to show menu in smarts ways. 3 options for Reservation system: Open Table, Vik Restaurants Reservation and Phone Reservation. Other useful pre-built pages for Restaurant website includes: Gallery, Offers, About Us. The restaurant template integrates Vik Restaurants - Joomla menu and food ordering system extension and Open Table. It supports 5 theme colors by default.
JA Restaurant Joomla template is built with robust T3 Framework, powerful admin panel with built-in functionalities: Theme settings, Visual layout configuration, Megamenu builder and option to optimize CSS & JS. It is SEO friendly and easy to customize based on optimized and well structured codebase.
JA Restaurant supports RTL language layout.