MyDelivery WordPress - Delivery on WhatsApp v2.2.13

Receive complete delivery orders directly on your WhatsApp. Easy, fast and complete!
More agility and sales
One page to generate order, and receive complete orders directly on your WhatsApp.
All in one solution!
Receive and manage orders and products in same solution.
Notification to keep updated
Front end panel to manage orders. Receive notification to keep updated.
Print orders
Print orders direct from your admin panel. Simple and fast.
Manage Delivery Area
Manage delivery area per Zipcode, Fixed Tax, per Neighborhood or by distance (in km).
Business Clock
Manage your business hours. Don't receive orders when your store is closed.
Manage Variations
Your product have variations or extras? No problem, edit your variations.
Limit extras
Limit how many items extra your customer can select.
Manage Payment
Register Payment methods to receive on delivery. (Online payments soon).
Products per Category
Show and filter your products per Category.