MyPasteBox v1.4 - Powerful Paste Tool

MyPasteBox is a advanced text storage tool where you can store text, sensitive data and source code for a set period of time. It support syntax highlighting to read source code very smoothly and more understandable. Private paste will allow you to store sensitive data and source code only for your own personal use. MyPasteBox comes with 100% customizable theme, custom coded theme and multi language support.
Over 50+ features
- Storage of text, sensitive data and source code
- Captcha protection system
- Sensitive data can be encrypted
- Syntax highlighting
- Paste expiration system
- 1 View self-destroy
- Password protection (optional)
- User Management System
- Private paste for registered members
- Oauth login system (Facebook and Google)
- Support RAW paste data
- Support downloading of pasted data
- Show / Hide line numbers
- Copy pasted text to clipboard
- Support Theme customization / Custom coded themes (In package only default style included)
- Inbuilt Share IT widget
- One-Click Ads integration (Google Adsense ready)
- Fully translatable to any language
- XML Sitemap for public paste
- Full SEO-friendly URL
- Google analytics support
- Responsive design
- Advance Mailer for Account Activation, Password reset etc..
- Support both SMTP and Navite PHP mail
- Contact page for visitors to contact you easily
- Powerful admin control panel
- Create unlimited custom pages (eg.About US, Blog etc…)
- Inbuilt Easy Installer Panel
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

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