Pods - Podcast Player & Music Streaming Flutter 3.3 App (Android, iOS) UI Template

Compatible with flutter latest version, animations, clean code, easy to reskin and integrate any backend.
(19.9 Mb)
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DTPocketFM - Podcasts, AudioBooks, Novels, Threads, Music Flutter App
Experience the future of multimedia with DTPocketFM, the all-in-one Flutter app that brings podcasts, audiobooks, novels, threads, and music to your Android, iOS, and Web devices.

Kids Learning App - Kids All in one Learning Flutter App - Flutter Android & iOS App v2.0
Easy to reskin, HD Graphics with cool music, beautiful graphic designs, admob ads.

Flutter UniversalWeb Multi-Purpose Android / iOS Application v1.1
Flutter UniversalWeb Multi-Purpose Android / iOS Application Complete solutions available using UniversalWeb app source code, create your app in just few minutes without coding skill.

Flutter UI Bundle Templates - Flutter UI Master Kit v1.22
TemplateVilla's Flutter UI Magic: All-in-One Flutter UI Kit | The Bundle Edition is a sleek, modern app template designed.

Lite Music- Android Music Player v5.1
Lite Music is a premium music player app template in android. Music player template with clean interface. Simple and elegant for any use.

GoKart - Flutter E-commerce App Template - Flipkart Clone Flutter v3.1
GoKart is an E-commerce Mobile app template. GoKart developed using Flutter. That means that UI is compatible for both Android and iOS.