Shack Open Graph Pro - Open Graph Markup for Joomla v3.0.2

When you share Joomla links on Facebook and Twitter, those sites don't find the correct information unless you are using Shack Open Graph. This plugin adds Open Graph and Twitter Card tags to your website. These tags help Facebook and Twitter pull the correct image and description from your site. If your site looks at social media, the more people will share your news! Try Shack Open Graph today and share your site on Facebook or Twitter... see how great your articles are!
(1.6 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

TAGZ Open Graph Pro v4.0.8
TAGZ Pro embeds Open Graph and Twitter Cards into your Joomla! based website.

Easy Meta v1.2.0 - SEO and Metadata Manager
Easy Meta is simple easy and powerful joomla! extension allows you manages meta data and add semantic data in you website page's head.

Shack Forms Pro v5.1.20
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Shack Article Manager v2.0.5
Shack Article Manager is an extension that allows anyone to write, edit, publish and manage articles from the frontend of Joomla sites.

Shack Locations Pro v2.1.9
With Shack Locations you can create advanced directories with custom maps, markers, infoboxes and hundreds of locations.

Shack HelpScout Pro v2.0.7 - Help Scout integration with Joomla
Help Scout PRO is one of the most popular and convenient ways to support clients. With the Shack HelpScout extension, you can tightly integrate Help Scout with Joomla.