OCCT Portable v12.0.4.99

OCCT / OverClock Checking Tool Portable is a multifunctional test capable of checking the processor, memory, video and even the computer's power supply.
It can replace several other tests at once, such as Linx, prime95, furmark and similar. It is convenient to use OCCT, since the program is Russified and has a clear interface, in which it is difficult to get confused.
OCCT is a popular CPU / GPU / Power Supply testing tool. It monitors your computer during the test and protects your components by automatically stopping when a component reaches a critical temperature.
When working with the processor, you will be able to carry out full monitoring and view understandable graphs for all controlled points. In general, the program is able to read information of not only motherboards, but also processors with sufficient quality, this is possible due to mutual work with such well-known solutions in this area as SpeedFan or AIDA. It is quite convenient to work with it, all functions are in front of you in a single window, you don't need to move anywhere, you can get a lot of information.
This program can carry out different types of tests. For example, you can run an upgraded original processor test, which currently includes the ability to work with the newest processors released to date. There is a CPU test: LINPACK - which was based on the IntelBurnTest processor test, which means it was provided by Intel itself. OCCT is able to test GPUs, for this it will be used as one of the Direct3D options, some call the capabilities of this test similar to ATITool and Furmark, during this testing the GPU will be warmed up as much as possible, you can identify artifacts when the card overheats, you can work with several cards that are connected in SLI or Crossfire mode. Of course, OCCT also knows how to test RAM, tests are written on the basis of MemTest86 and MemTest86 + with their own modifications, by running this test you can check the memory as efficiently as possible. You can also check the power supply, there are special texts for x64 systems.