Staff Outsourcing & Resources Booking Module for Perfex CRM - Outsource Your Employees v1.0b

Staff Outsource and Resources Booking module for Perfex CRM, helps companies to outsource their staff members’ time, by providing an efficient way of managing their outsourced resources inside Perfex’s admin interface.
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Human Resources Management v1.4 - HR module for Perfex CRM
This is the first complete Human Resources Management (HRM) solution for Perfex. Human Resources Management module for Perfex CRM, helps companies save time and manage their Human Resources directly

Assets Management Module for Perfex CRM v1.1.0 - Organize Company and Client Assets
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Perfex CRM - Flat Admin Theme v1.0.4
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Perfex CRM and TelegramBot Notification Module v2.0
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Slack Alert Module for Perfex CRM
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Language Translations for Perfex CRM v1.0.3
This is a module for Perfex CRM. Language translation editor allows you to edit any of translation from within the setup menu or perfex crm.