Z Desk - Support Tickets System with Knowledge Base and FAQs v2.3
Z Desk is a helpdesk ticket system with a knowledge base and frequently asked questions, designed for creating helpdesk tickets.

Support Board - OpenAI Chatbot PHP v3.7.3
Support Board is a PHP script that helps you automate your customers communication with artificial intelligence-driven bots and a chat system integrated with the most-used platforms.

Support v7.0.0 - All in-one Laravel Help Desk Support Management Solution
InfySupport is Digital tickets management system that allows customers to raise issues and trace its status and responses.

Support System - Live Web Chat & Client Desk & Ticket Help Desk v4.1.4
Best Support System is self-hosted support ticket application. It handle support ticket, manage email ticket, collect any payment by paypal.

Best Support System - Live Web Chat & Client Desk & Ticket Help Centre v4.1.4
Best Support System is a support script with online chat, tickets and knowledge base. It handles support ticket, manages email, collects any payments through PayPal.

Kayako Fusion Helpdesk - Help Desk Software Platform v4.99.4
Multifunctional Kayako Fusion Helpdesk system with a web interface for managing tickets, emails, contacts, files, SLA contracts and tasks (for collaboration).

Wikb v1.3.1 - Knowledgebase & Help Desk WordPress Theme
Wikb is the latest WordPress theme for knowledge base and support sites. It comes with support for WooCommerce (the most popular shopping plugin), bbPress and knowledgebases.

AH Tickets v2.3.2 - Help Desk and Support Tickets System
AH Tickets is built PHP MVC use with OOP and Bootstrap 3.x framework And LESS CSS, Whether it is mobile or tablet.

PMS - Front Desk Room Management
As the heart of your hotel, your small property’s front desk system handles all of your operational tasks.