Elecson - Political Party & Candidate Voting HTML Template It is totally responsive for all kind of devices as like all mobiles, Tab, and Laptop.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/elecson-political-election-campaign-and-party-candidate-html5-template/50648923Empower your political cause with UnityForce, a cutting-edge Politics & Election WordPress theme. Crafted with precision and powered by Bootstrap 4, UnityForce establishes a new standard for excellence in the realm of political websites.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/unityforce-politics-election-wordpress-theme/51014446Potisen – Election & Political WordPress Theme is a WordPress Theme for politician, modern political leader, political party sites, political and office candidates, grassroot initiatives activist, election campaign, political and social movements.
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/potisen-election-political-wordpress-theme/25174878