MX Timeline v4.0.19

Timeline Joomla Module you can use to create a vertical timeline of your blog articles and display your content in an interesting design. In module settings, are available nine style layouts, which you may chose to have the timeline look of your desire. In settings you can select even how many items, the categories, tags, dates etc to define which articles should be displayed on your timelines.
(1.0 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 10 characters.

Mx Awesome News v4.0.13
Awesome news joomla module displays joomla content articles, k2 items or custom items in carousel or as standard wall show.

OL News Line v3.0.12
News Line responsive module allows you to show your articles from one or many categories on a vertical line. Module for joomla 4 and joomla 3.x

Ol Content Gallery v4.0.9 - Content Gallery Responsive Joomla Module
Content Gallery Responsive Joomla Module - display images and text from articles in gallery or isotope style. In Content Gallery are included two styles - gallery and isotope.

Tag Transform v1.2.4 - Joomla Tag Module
Tag transform is a unique extension that displays your Joomla native tags in a nice way, automatically. The Joomla tag system enhances the content management in Joomla.

JUX Mega Menu v3.3.8 - Joomla Mega Menu Extension
JUX Mega Menu is a responsive and most complete Joomla menu module developed by the JoomlaUX team that allows you to display tons of content in menu items including text, images, modules and

Content Modal v4.0.9
The module allows to display articles, custom or k2 items on a popup modal. Show full article in popup window and use navigation arrows to go to next article.