W3CMS-Laravel - Content Management System v2.3

- Laravel 10
- Features like WordPress
- User Module
- Role Module
- Configuration Module
- Permission Module
- Complete CMS (Blog, Pages, Menu)
- Use Light Gallery
- Light And Dark Theme
- Horizontal Navigation Available
- High Speed Performance
- Super Responsive for All Latest Browsers and Mobile Devices
- SEO Optimized
- Clean Coded
- Free Google Web Fonts
- Free Icon Fonts (Font Awesome)
- Customizable & Organized
- Error Page Available
- Bootstrap5 + CSS3 + HTML5
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Fast Supports
- Modern, Professional Design
- Flexible Layout
- All Files are Well Commented
(64.7 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Font Awesome Pro v6.5.2
Take the hassle out of icons in your website. Font Awesome Pro is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators.

UltraNews - Laravel Newspaper, Blog Multilingual System with Support AI Writer, Content Generator v4.0.0
UltraNews is the Clean Modern Magazine Laravel designed to give you the best platform for modern content focused websites.

Sarchholm v2.0.5 - Real Estate Laravel Multilingual Agency Portal
SarchHolm is a premium Real Estate HTML template built to create amazing and intuitive Real Estate listings website or Real Estate marketplace that your customers will love to surf.

SumoSEOTools v1.0.1 - Online SEO Tools Script
SumoSEOTools is an SEO tool script that provides tools to analyze, measure and monitor the performance of a website, helping to improve a website's visibility in search engines.

Sparic - Laravel Admin Dashboard Template v2.0
Sparic - laravel vite bootstrap admin template. This laravel framework Includes Blade.php Pages & 50+ Plugins.

Jobpilot - Job Portal Laravel Script v3.21.0
Jobpilot is a modern and complete Job Portal system for your organization. With tons of feature, you can Buy, Sell And Find Just About Anything using this application.