iWP-DevToolz (Pro) v2.0 - WordPress Plugin Maker + Code Generator

WordPress Plugin Maker (standalone version) can generate complete plugin code, and you can also develop a WordPress plugin that customizes features very quickly. e.g. image size, custom post type or database, toolbar (metabox), admin panel (toolbar), shortcode and quick tags, plugin option, widget frontend/backend, WP Ajax nopriv & auth, CSS injection, JS injection, upper part - admin level menu, tinymce plugin and so on.
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HT QR Code Generator for WordPress v2.3.7
HT QR Code Generator is a WordPress plugin to generate QR code from the WordPress dashboard. Elementor widget, WordPress widget and Shortcodes are available to generate QR codes.

WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin v21.7.4
Quiz Maker plugin allows you to create advanced quizzes and exams easily and quickly. Just follow a few simple steps to create online quizzes.

Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.27.4
Make WordPress easier to use by moving frequently used menu items to the top. You can also move menu items from one submenu to another, or to the main menu.

Total Recipe Generator v0.4.0 - WordPress Recipe Maker with Schema and Nutrition Facts (Gutenberg Block)
With Total Recipe Generator, your online recipe content is organized in proper semantics and hierarchy. This improves your site’s presence in search results and personalized media platforms like

Superfly v5.0.30 - Responsive WordPress Menu Plugin
Superfly is a responsive WordPress menu plugin that generates space efficient vertical push/sliding/static navigation, icon toolbar or fullscreen menu of your choice.

Custom Admin Interface Pro v1.57
Custom Admin Interface Pro is the long awaiting pro version of WP Custom Admin Interface bringing a whole range of even more powerful tools and options to extend and modify the admin interface of