Woo Floating Cart v2.8.4

A XT Floating Cart for WooCommerce Pro that will improve customer buying experience and encourages them to click the “checkout” button.
What Would More Sales and Higher Conversions be Worth to You?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where site visitors add products to their cart, but then leave your store without finalizing their purchase?
I present to you Floating Cart for WooCommerce, the perfect solution that will improve customer buying experience and encourage them to click the "checkout" button and finalize the sale. Increase conversions and reduce cart abandonment by 40%!
Your site will look more attractive, a WooCommerce Side Cart icon with item count will always be visible on all pages, and a sliding cart will be visible when the customer clicks it.
Enable a full checkout form within the Floating Cart, that will let customers place orders directly without having to reload the page.
Lots of features available: Free Shipping Progress Bar, Coupons, Upsell / Cross-sell, PayPal Button, Ajax Add To Cart, Auto Height.