Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets v2.19.5

Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets is a Swiss army knife plugin for any crypto related project. Not only you can use it to display real-time coin quotes, charts, tables, tickers, news, but also live trades, market cap rankings, historical data, portfolios, auto generated cryptocurrency pages. Apart from that it provides a variety of unique visualization features (typed effect, odometer, gauge, treemap and geo heatmap)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Massive Cryptocurrency Widgets - Crypto Plugin v3.2.9
This plugin allows you to add cryptocurrency widgets like tickers, tables, charts to your website in just a few clicks.

Coins MarketCap - WordPress Cryptocurrency Plugin v5.5.9
Create a fully automatic crypto coins price listing website using this Coins MarketCap WordPress plugin.

Cryptocurrency Widgets Pro - WordPress Crypto Plugin v3.9.4
It displays crypto coins current prices, price ticker, changes, market cap, volume, coin charts & real-time updates - Bitcoin, BNB, XRP, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Solana & 2500+ more coins.

Coinpress v2.3.1 - Cryptocurrency Pages for WordPress
Coinpress generates over 2200+ coin detail pages automatically with real-time price, marketcap, charts, historical data, markets, calculator, social feed, comments and more.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges List Pro - WordPress Plugin v2.8.5
Cryptocurrency exchanges list pro WordPress plugin creates a list of 200+ best cryptocurrency exchanges by using crypto markets api data provided by public API.

Premium Stock Market & Forex Widgets WordPress Plugin v3.3.8
Premium Stock & Forex Market Widgets plugin empowers your website with beautifully crafted financial widgets that display FOREX quotes and stock market data from many exchanges around the world.