Disable Everything - WordPress Plugin to Disable Right Click, Copying, Keyboard

This WordPress Plugin allows you to disable Text and Images Copying, Right Click and Keyboard Keys on your WordPress sites. You can disable some of these features or all of them at once. This plugin is particularly useful if you want to protect your images from being downloaded and your text from being copied.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click Pro v15.3
This WP plugin protects the content of the post from being copied by any other web site author.

TNC FlipBook - PDF Viewer for WordPress v12.1.0
Convert any of your PDFs to a FlipBook and embed it on your WordPress page or post, just like the preview above.

WP Plugin Manager Pro v1.1.3 - Deactivate Plugins per Page
Plugin Manager Pro is a WordPress plugin that allows you to disable plugins for certain pages, posts or URI conditions.

Content Protector for WordPress v2.0.1 - Prevent Your Content from Being Copied
Protect your online content from being copied. Just install add a small plugin on your website and Content Protector for WordPress defend web content from being plagiarized.

WP Shield Content Protector Pro v1.4.0
With WPShield Content Protector you can prevent content copiers from copying your website content. It protects all types of content, including text, images, videos, and even source code.

Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce Pro v3.4.8
Bloat makes your website slow; and your WordPress panel is unusable. Imagine getting rid of it in a minute. We got the solution.