ZoomSounds v6.90 - WordPress Wave Audio Player with Playlist

ZoomSounds is a complete premium audio plugin for WordPress that allows you to build great audio players and playlists. Engage with your audience with Trending, Likes, and awesome features. Fits your branding with a customizable design and great colors. With nine skins to fit every brand, multiple layouts for the wave skin, only one format required to function, ZoomSounds is the perfect choice for an audio player.
A simple shortcode is required for the plugin to work – [zoomsounds] – and you do not even have to remember that because there are shortcode generators for both audio file and audio playlists
Supports self hosted mp3 / m4a / wav / aac, and mp3 Shoutcast radio stations + live streams.
(3.7 Mb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

WavePlayer v3.6.4 - Waveform Audio Player for WordPress and WooCommerce
WavePlayer is a fully customizable, responsive HTML5 audio plugin for WordPress. Its interface is built around the waveform of the audio file that is playing back.

Royal Audio Player Wordpress Plugin v6.1
Royal Audio Player Wordpress Plugin is a powerful and extremely customizable responsive mp3 / audio / video / youtube player for any wordpress theme and also compatible with WooCommerce.

MP3 Sticky Player Wordpress Plugin v8.0
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HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin v3.5.6
You can use this product as a fully featured HTML5 audio player (check Playlist version examples) or just to add background music to your website.

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin v10.0
Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful responsive video / audio player for any WordPress theme compatible with WooCommerce as well, that can play (mp4) / audio (mp3), streaming video

Responsive HTML5 Audio Player Pro WordPress Plugin v3.5.7
A top-notch responsive HTML5 Audio Player compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices.