Paypal Currency Converter Pro for Woocommerce v3.6.1

Convert any currency to allowed PayPal currencies for PayPal's Payment Gateway "PayPal Standard" within WooCommerce.
- Convert any given WooCommerce shop currency to allowed PayPal currencies for PayPal’s Payment Gateway “PayPal Standard” within WooCommerce on checkout.
- Supports customized version of:
- PayPal Digital Goods gateway
- PayPal Advanced.
- Social Deals Engine
- Get in touch for quotes and alternate payment gateways
- Converts Shopping cart total.
- Converts Tax
- Converts shipping costs
- Important Note for versions 3.2.1 or older: shippment does not appear correct in the Payment description on checkout, but only when shippment is based on country and is changed on checkout. Is fixed in the version 3.3.
- Converts handling fees
- Custom Currency setup available
- Show the Cart Total, Shipping Total, Handling fee, Order Total Tax, Order Total inclusive Tax, and Conversion Rate in PayPal related payment gateways descriptions
- Allows setting of additional handling fees on fixed or percentage base.
- Automatically update the currency exchange rate between your shop currency and the desired PayPal currency with WP-crontrol (or any other cron plugin), your hosting servers cron job, or a 3rd party cron job service.
- Actual Currency Exchange Rates will be retrieved from “Open Exchange Rates API”, Xignite, Currency Converter API, Apilayer API, or European Central Bank.
- Display of Google’s exchange rates history chart of the last 5 years for information purpose.
- Have your virtual product orders automatically completed after checkout!
- Have your non virtual product orders automatically completed after checkout!
- Have your standard product orders automatically processed after checkout!
- Add a note to the order email adding information about currency exchange rate and converted order total.
- Optionally supress Order OnHold Emails.
- Sends notification email to the admin’s email address when the exchange rate has been updated.
- Logs the actions into a log file.
- Tool-tip help on every item.
- Translation Ready
- Easy to Setup
- Gives warning for unsupported php.ini settings.
- Detailed Documentation Included
- Subscriptions (support only for “WooCoommerce Subscriptions”)
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The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

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