WP Ultimate PDF Generator v1.1.6 - Create, Generate & Customise PDF for Live WordPress Pages

WP Ultimate PDF Generator plugin lets the users download pages, posts, and products into PDF format from your WordPress site. You can also create and customize your PDF template generator. It enables your users to transmit your web pages offsite as well.
This even allows the admin to customize the header and footer of the PDF. The admin can efficiently add the site URL, Logo, Description, and many more.
Furthermore, using this WP Ultimate PDF Generator will even help you with easy brand dispersal, save time during brand partnerships, and so much more.
Thus, it would not be an exaggeration to call this WordPress to PDF converter an exclusive and one-of-a-kind plugin!
Besides all the benefits you can think of, the most basic one tops the chart. That is, your users can use this PDF generator WordPress pages to PDF files to read it later whenever and wherever they want. This also eliminates the hassle of browsing for that particular page again.
WP Ultimate PDF Generator is Now Compatible with WooCoommerce HPOS to ensure the smooth workflow of your WooCommerce store.