Real Testimonials Pro v3.2.0

Create easily a great looking Testimonials Page or Section on your WordPress site in a few minutes with an intuitive and stylish admin interface. Testimonials are one of most effective tools for selling a potential customer on your product or service.
Easy To Use & Customize
Straightforward setting with live preview, no code template or syntax involved. No more time to learn, no coding skill. Simply install and enjoy. No coding required.
Mobile & SEO Friendly
Real Testimonials is fully responsive and seo-friendly out of the box. You can control the number of testimonials displayed on a desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Developer Friendly
Manage your Testimonials on your site using the WordPress interface you know and extend with plenty of hooks to modify the testimonial templates and output.
Super Fast Performance
Real Testimonials is built for speed and optimized for performance. It follows the best WordPress coding standards. It performs speedily on all kinds of sites.
We Speak Your Language
You can translate Real Testimonials in your own language with .po & .mo files. This plugin is Right To Left-RTL ready. You can even create multilingual websites.