FacetWP - Advanced Filtering for WordPress v4.3.4

Faceted search for eCommerce, resource libraries, search pages and more.
Main features:
- Better filtering. With true faceted search, only relevant facet choices are shown. Better filtering leads to more views, increased sales and happier customers.
- Lightning fast. FacetWP is entirely ajax-based, so filtering happens quickly and without page refreshes. The plugin also uses an index table for incredible speed.
- Use your existing data. Facets use your site's existing custom fields, taxonomies, or post data (author, post data, post type, etc).
- Works with any theme. Add facets anywhere on your page using shortcodes or PHP. Other built-in features (pagination, sorting, user selections) are also just a shortcode away.
- Lots of facet types. FacetWP comes with 11 facet types, including checkboxes, dropdowns, date ranges, sliders, and even proximity (geolocation).
- ACF support. FacetWP fully supports Advanced Custom Fields. We support standard field types, including text, relationship, post object, and even repeater sub-fields!
- Integration with popular plugins. In addition to ACF, FacetWP integrates with WooCommerce, SearchWP, Easy Digital Downloads, WPML, Polylang, and other popular plugins.
- Developer friendly. Developers can take advantage of the plugin's many hooks for a high degree of customization.
FacetWP Addons (115 Kb)
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

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