eCademy - Education LMS & Online Coaching Courses WordPress Theme v6.9

eCademy is a Modern WordPress theme purposely designed and built for Online Training and Education! It is suitable for Educational Institutes, Online Course Providers, Online Training, Learning Management, Vendor Certification Training, eSchool, LMS, Language School, Distant Learning Provider, Modern Schooling, Yoga Courses, Health Coaching, Kindergarten, Gym Coaching, Business Coaching, Motivation & Life Coaching, Home Kitchen & Healthy Recipe Coaching, etc. websites.
The theme was created with Elementor, ACF Pro, Redux, LearnPress, Tutor LMS v2.x, LearnDash, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Bootstrap, and CSS. Also, Sass is included in the theme.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

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