Kids Learning App - Kids All in one Learning Flutter App - Flutter Android & iOS App v2.0

Easy to reskin, HD Graphics with cool music, beautiful graphic designs, admob ads.
(90.4 Mb)
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Word Guessing Game for Kids + Guess Missing Word Game + Android Games v25.11.24
It’s amazing kids and girls games. It’s very beautiful graphics images and easy to play.

Cute Animal Puzzle Kids - Unity3D + Admob Ads + Easy Reskin
Animal Cute Puzzle Kids easy to reskin, offers hours of fun for your kits, explore adorable Animal Puzzles help to develop our kids memory, logical thinking and visual perception.

This game is a good template for learning how to use Android Studio, containing pdf documentation of all the steps. You can then generate your APK within a day.

Pods - Podcast Player & Music Streaming Flutter 3.3 App (Android, iOS) UI Template
Compatible with flutter latest version, animations, clean code, easy to reskin and integrate any backend.

4 Pic 1 Word + Best Kids Trivia Quiz + Ready For Publish + Android Studio + Multi Language v1.5
It’s amazing Game with 100 levels. It’s amazing game for kids and adults. You easy to reskin this game.

MasterStudy LMS Mobile App v2.2.9 - Flutter iOS & Android
MasterStudy mobile App for LMS is the learning application developed to meet the needs of digital education.