Auto Featured Image Premium v1.4.5

Auto Featured Image Premium automatically generate the Featured Image from the first image in post or any custom post type only if featured Image is not set manually. Featured Image Generation From Title. Native image search for Elementor, Gutenberg, Classic Editor.
1. Generate or remove featured images in one click.
2. Customize the process - generate or remove featured images
from the list of posts or pages.
3. Native image search for Elementor, Gutenberg, Classic Editor.
4. Use filters - generate or remove featured images based on the post type, status, category, or the creation date.
5. Automatically generates an image for each post from the post title and sets it as the featured image. NEW!
6. Search & upload featured images from popular stock
platforms instantly.
AFI (APT) users save up to 20 minutes per hour on generating content for a website. Let’s go through the process of creating a post and see how timesaving APT can be.
- Enter a post title.
- Add a text.
- Search for images with the Creative Commons license.
Download images from a search page or a stock service. - Upload images. Add them to a post accordingly.
- Upload a featured image.
- Publish a post.