OpenGraphiq - WordPress Social Image Generator v1.1.7

OpenGraphiq allows you to automatically generate social share images for your WordPress content - posts, products and other post-types. It works with every public post-type in WordPress! Now you can automate your creative and social network management process and save time on routine content production so you can focus on more significant tasks.
Use OpenGraphiq to auto-generate variations of social share media visuals. Your open graph and twitter card images can be branded in just a few clicks. OpenGraphiq creates branded social share images to match with your company’s style including company logo, post title, prices, taxonomies, author avatar and username among other things
Design your templates to fit your brand with our powerful editor. OpenGraphiq generates share images for all major social networks. They will show up automatically wherever you share an article. These open graph images can either be generated for the entire site or you have the option to override the templates for specific post-type or even single page / post.