FILEman - Joomla Advanced Media Manager v4.0.4

FILEmanis an advanced media manager for Joomla with built-in Russification from the developer. Various options have been implemented, including remote file upload options, automatic image compression, simple link insertion and much more.
- Creating an album is easy. Put all your images in a folder and create a menu item to get an instant gallery.
- FILEman generates thumbnails for each image, caches them, and downloads them all at once. This saves bandwidth and processing power.
- Provides a downloadable list of files for site users. To do this, simply create a menu item and select a folder and/or subfolders.
- The FILElink plugin makes it easy to embed files in the text of an article.
- Files and folders in native language. Implemented full support for file and folder names in all languages. The ability to name files based on the script of the native language. Remote access to files. Transferring files directly from a URL has been implemented. The instant file size check system ensures that files that are too large are not uploaded.
- File upload - Drag & Drop. Loading of several files at the same time is provided, by means of transfer to the built-in field of the file-loader.
- Loading from the external interface (Frontend Upload). For users, a simple way to send documents from the frontend has been implemented, with integrated support for notifications. Allows you to easily install Dropbox on your site.
The minimum length of a comment is 50 characters.

Rapi Music Player v1.3.9
This module is a modern and beautiful way to play mp3 files. Just upload the mp3 files via Joomla Media Manager and give the folder address to the module.

Dropfiles - Powerful File Manager for Joomla v6.0.1
This extension also allows you to work with Google Drive files by connecting Joomla to the cloud storage.

OSDownloads Pro v2.2.5
OSDownloads gives you an flexible and reliable Joomla downloads directory. OSDownloads can store and share files on your computer and on remote services such as Dropbox,, Google Drive and

RSFirewall! v3.0.14 - Joomla Security
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DJ-MediaTools v2.17.5 - Component of Video and Images for Joomla
DJ-MediaTools is an extension for CMS Joomla that allows you to create any photo and video albums with a variety of styles and lots of animation effects.

Shack Article Manager v2.0.5
Shack Article Manager is an extension that allows anyone to write, edit, publish and manage articles from the frontend of Joomla sites.