TEXTman v4.2.0

Easily manage Joomla articles. Edit articles, auto-save changes while editing, and share and approve drafts. Attach additional files or link to other pages. Includes lots of SEO features to optimize your site.
How can TEXTman help you?
Joomla article management the way it should have always been. A hassle free dashboard, elegant editor, sticky toolbar, autosave, shareable previews and so much more
TEXTman's stock-photography enabled featured image, powerful photo editor, and automatic intro text, let you present more beautiful and engaging articles
Do you wish your website was optimized for search engine structured data or accelerated mobile pages (AMP)? Your wish is TEXTman's command!
Featuring seamless LOGman integration, analyzing article data has never been easier, TEXTman lets you see if a user has read a specific article or how popular an article is